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I am sorry to hear of your serious illness. 得知你重病,我很難過。 2. His illness has turned better. 他的病有了好轉。 6. victuals [ˈvɪtlz] n.食物;食品 food and drink 參考例句: 1. A plateful of coarse victuals was set before him. 一盤粗劣的剩餘飯食放到了他的面前。 2. There are no more victuals for the pig. 豬沒有吃的啦。 7. tawny [ˈtɔ:ni] adj.茶色的,黃褐色的;n.黃褐色 of a light yellowish brown colour , like that of a lion 參考例句: 1. Her black hair springs in fine strands across her tawny, ruddy cheek. 她的一頭烏髮分披在健康紅潤的臉頰旁。 2. None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter past the window. 他們誰也沒注意到一隻大的、褐色的貓頭鷹飛過了窗戶。 8. opacity [əʊˈpæsəti] n.不透明;難懂 the state of being opaque , or the degree to which something is opaque 參考例句: 1. He insisted that the mineral content of the water determined the opacity. 他堅持認為水的清澈程度取決於其中礦物質的含量。 2. Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins. 眼球晶狀體的混濁可由缺乏某些維生素造成。 9. pedantic [pɪˈdæntɪk] adj.賣弄學問的;迂腐的 giving too much attention to formal rules or small details 參考例句: 1. He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic. 他很博學,但既不妄自尊大也不賣弄學問。 2. Reading in a pedantic way may turn you into a bookworm or a bookcase, and has long been opposed. 讀死書會變成書呆子,甚至於成為書櫥,早有人反對過了。 10. debutante [ˈdebjutɑ:nt] n.初入社交界的少女 a rich young woman who, especially in the past in Britain , went to a number of social events as a way of being introduced to other young people of high social rank 參考例句: 1. The debutante's photograph was at the head of the society page. 那位初進社交界少女的照片登在社會版的最上頭。 2. She dazzled London society as the most beautiful debutante of her generation. 她首次出現在倫敦社交界便艷驚四座,被視為同齡人里最美麗的年輕女子。 11. chiromancy [ˈkaɪrəʊmænsi] n.手相術 telling fortunes by lines on the palm of the hand 參考例句: 1. She's busy writing a book on chiromancy. 她正忙著寫一本關於手相術的書。 2. Do you believe in chiromancy? 你相信手相術嗎? 12. technocrat [ˈteknəkræt] n.技術人員,技術官僚 an expert who is a member of a highly skilled elite group 參考例句: 1. He is a distant technocrat who is unable to connect with ordinary voters. 作為一個冷淡的技術官僚,他不能做到與普通選民息息相通。 2. Jack Lew, the new budget director, is the quintessential technocrat. 新預算主管傑克·盧就是一個典型的技術官僚。 13. cringing [krɪndʒŋ] adj.諂媚,奉承 totally submissive 參考例句: 1. He had a cringing manner but a very harsh voice. 他有卑屈諂媚的神情,但是聲音卻十分粗沙。 2. She stepped towards him with a movement that was horribly cringing. 她沖他走了一步,做出一個低三下四,令人作嘔的動作。 14. ascendancy [ə'sendənsɪ] n.統治權,支配力量 a position of power , strength or success 參考例句: 1. We have had ascendancy over the enemy in the battle. 在戰鬥中我們已占有優勢。 2. The extremists are gaining ascendancy. 極端分子正逐漸占據上風。 15. hubris [ˈhju:brɪs] n.傲慢,驕傲 being very proud and believing in your own importance 參考例句: 1. There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris. 在技術方面自以為是會很危險。 2. The very hubris of French claims alarmed the other powers. 法國貪婪的胃口使其他大國驚恐不安。 16. yokel [ˈjəʊkl] n.鄉下人;農夫 a stupid or awkward person who lives in the countryside rather than a town , especially one whose appearance is in some way strange or humorous 參考例句: 1. The clothes make him look like a yokel. 這件衣服讓他看起來像個鄉巴佬。 2. George is not an ordinary yokel. 喬治不是一個普通的粗人。 17. echelon [ˈeʃəlɒn] n.梯隊;組織系統中的等級;v.排成梯隊 a particular level or group of people within an organization such as an army or company 參考例句: 1. What kind of friends can be considered the first echelon of the friends? 那什麼樣的朋友才能算第一梯隊的朋友? 2. These are the first echelon members. 這些是我們的第一梯隊的隊員。 18. bluster [ˈblʌstə(r)] vt. 咆哮;狂吹;誇口;威嚇;氣勢洶洶地說 vi. 咆哮;恫嚇 n. 怒號;嚇唬 to speak in a loud , angry or offended way, usually with little effect 參考例句: 1. We could hear the bluster of the wind and rain. 我們能聽到狂風暴雨的吹打聲。 2. He was inclined to bluster at first, but he soon dropped. 起初他老愛吵鬧一陣,可是不久就不做聲了。 19. cumber ['kʌmbə] vt.拖累,妨礙;n.妨害;拖累 hold back 參考例句: 1. She was cumbered with house hold cares. 她被家務事拖累。 2. We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches. 我們不應該因為他的責備而阻止我們的思想。 20. personalities [ˌpɜ:sə'nælɪtɪz] n. 誹謗,(對某人容貌、性格等所進行的)人身攻擊;人身攻擊;人格, 個性, 名人( personality的名詞複數 ) the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual 參考例句: 1. There seemed to be a degree of personalities in her remarks. 她話里有些人身攻擊的成分。 2. Personalities are not in good taste in general conversation. 在一般的談話中誹謗他人是不高尚的。 ...












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